
Permaculture Project in Portugal


Permaculture and sustainable living have been our passion for many years and especially since we lived in the Alenteijo in Portugal some years ago. We rented and renovated an old farmhouse over there and created an organic vegetable garden. But we had to move back to The Netherlands for work and always felt the desire to start a permaculture project since. In the beginning of 2024 we found the perfect neglected plot of land for our plans in the area of Castelo Branco where we can be part of the solution for a healthier planet.

We are wild-camping on the land and it is fantastic. A sea of wildflowers on the land in spring and no sounds other than crickets, frogs and birds. The land is divided into an open field of 5 hectares with about 60 olive trees and a little lake on it (Lago) and a 4 hectares of overgrown forest with cork and olive trees (Floresta). So together the name Florago was formed.

The land needs tender loving care and we plan to develop the land based on permaculture and regenerative farming with a food forest and organic garden. That means we will work on water management, soil quality, landscaping and biodiversity. For the food forest we will plant a lot of different fruit, nut, olive trees and berries.

We love to share this adventure with others. Please have a look at the volunteer page if you want to visit and work with us. You can also participate with our plant-a-tree project. Read more about our adventures on the blog page.

If you have any questions, please contact us on info@florago.org

Joyce & Remco


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